Solace Massage and Mindfulness San Diego
Board Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist

About Kathleen Lisson, CMT, CLT

Kathleen Lisson is Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and is a Lymphedema Therapist. She owns Solace Massage and Mindfulness in San Diego. She has taught classes at IPSB Massage College in San Diego and is a NCBTMB Approved Provider of continuing education classes to massage therapists.


Kathleen holds a Bachelors of Applied Science in Massage Therapy, is a ACE Certified Health Coach, a MMI (McLean Meditation Institute) certified meditation teacher and a yoga teacher.


After 14 years in a high-stress career in public relations for the New York State legislature, she began her second career as a massage therapist at the nonprofit Adams Avenue Integrative Health, where she partnered with naturopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists to provide care to families in the Normal Heights neighborhood in San Diego. She has also volunteered to provide free chair massage to underserved communities in City Heights at Tubman-Chavez Center and the East African Cultural Community Center through the nonprofit Alternative Healing Network.


Kathleen is the author of the Plastic Surgery Recovery Handbook and has authored articles published in the Elephant Journal and the Labyrinth Pathways 10th edition. She has been quoted in the Prevention Magazine November 2016 issue and online in Bustle, Consumer Reports, Massage Magazine, Prevention and Runner’s World.

(CAMTC #70128)